Amsterdam House of Arts & Crafts


Make your own necklace with beads


Make your own necklace

Beads, beads and more beads. During this 2 hour workshop you get to choose which beads you use for your unique necklace, glasses cord or bracelet. We have a wide selection of colors and shapes for you to choose from.

Using pliers to connect the beads together. Learn a new skill and make a unique necklace. Fun and easy to do.

With maximum results.

Choosing which beads to use is the hardest part of the process. After that our professional teacher will guide you through the process. And we will finish the workshop with a groupfoto. Showing you and your newest gem.

You can join one of our scheduled workshops or organise one for your friends & family on a date and time of choice.

Hello world

Let's get creative together

Color your world with beads

Beading Workshop

2 hours

Weekdays and weekends

Join one of our beading workshops, alone or with a friend and make a necklace, bracelet, earrings or phone cord.

Including professional teacher, all materials, coffee and tea.


Are you fascinated by beads? Shiny little objects to crave, to cherish and to wear. Nice as a gift, nice to make and even better when you wear them.

During this workshop beading you get to choose your own beads and make a combination that rocks.

During this 2 hour workshop you make a necklace, bracelet and or keychain.

Get creative and start beading.

Easy techniques

Our professional teacher will teach you some easy basic techhniques that will enable you to make a priceless and unique item to wear.

We have all the materials, beads, tools and space for you to get creative.

Super fun to do and super easy once you know what materials and techniques to use.

Great gift

Join one of the workshops that we have planned for you or inquire about the possibilities for a private workshop for you and your loved ones.

You can also purchase a gift card, so the person you love can choose their own time to take this creative workshop.

Perfect for groups, bachelorette party, businesses and friends

Girls just wanne have fun

Private workshop

Book a private workshop for you and your friends, bachelorette party or special occassion. You can book a private workshop from Monday - Sunday

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